In your typical year, air conditioners use 6% of all electricity in the United States. In hotter states, like Florida, this number is even higher as your HVAC system is forced to work longer and harder to keep the house at a comfortable temperature. 

And with the extra work, comes higher energy bills. For the most part, summer brings high costs because there’s no escaping the heat without the AC running on full blast—right?

Not quite. There are actually a few ways to use your AC more efficiently in the summer, so you don’t have to break the bank to stay cool. 

How to Save on Your Electric Bill in the Summer

When trying to figure out how to reduce your electric bill, you might think your only option is to sit inside in the scorching heat, sweating it out. Fortunately, that’s not the case. There are two main ways to save that we’ll cover below:

  1. Finding alternative ways to stay cool
  2. Using your AC more efficiently 

Finding Alternative Ways to Stay Cool

The first trick to saving money on your electric bill is to find other ways to stay cool that don’t require blasting the AC. For this, you have several options, including: 

  • Closing windows and covering them with blinds or curtains
  • Running fans to circulate cool air 
  • Opting for cold meals over cooking with hot appliances
  • Using a dehumidifier

The point of adding these methods to your summer routine isn’t to avoid running the AC altogether. Rather, if you use these methods, your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard to bring your house to a reasonable temperature.

Finding alternative cooling methods is one of the best ways to lower your electric bill in the summer. To explore more methods and dive deeper into the ones above, check out How to Keep Your House Cool in the Summer.

Using Your AC More Efficiently

If you’re willing to take the extra steps to further lower your AC bill, the best thing you can do is use your AC efficiently. In other words: waste less and only use it when and where you need to.  Here are a few ways to keep your usage in check—without suffering for it.

Turn Off Vents in Rooms You’re Not Using

There’s no point in letting the AC work hard to cool down the whole house if you plan to spend all day in your living room or office. Turn off the vents and close the doors to rooms you’re not using, and you’ll find that your AC system won’t have to work as hard to keep you comfy. 

Be Aware of Off-Peak Hours

Power companies know you’re looking for ways to save on electricity during the summer (and all year round). For this reason, they will sometimes offer a discounted rate for using electricity at off-peak hours, when few others are.

Unfortunately, these hours are often during the night, but it’s still good to know when you can blast the AC and not face as big of a bill. If you have to blare the AC during the day, you can wait until off-peak hours to use other electricity-heavy devices to offset the cost.

Get a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat is finance-friendly, and one of its best features is that you can time your AC to kick on when your house reaches a certain temperature or at a specific time of day. No more guesswork, and no more accidentally leaving the AC running while you’re at work.

Pro Tip: If you have pets, keep their comfort level in mind when you aren’t home. If it’s too hot outside, you may not want to keep the AC off all day. 

Insulate Your Attic

If the outside heat is seeping into your house in large quantities due to poor insulation, your HVAC system will have to fight harder to keep the house cool. The attic is the most common area of exposure, and while insulating your attic is an investment, it can save you money in the long run. 

Insulation isn’t a DIY job, so plan to hire a professional you trust to get the job done right.

Be Smart About Your Electricity Use

Reducing your electricity bill in the summer is all about being smart. Insulate your home against the hot sun so you don’t pay for your AC to work harder than necessary. Make use of off-peak hours, only use the AC when you need it, and occasionally opt for a cold cut over a hot baked casserole.

There are many ways to save electricity during the summer. If you bear in mind the above tips, you’ll have no trouble staying cool without emptying your wallet.